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Hi! I'm Manav


I'm the Founder of BodynSoul

Executive Coach & Yoga Instructor

Meditation has become popular in many Western nations, especially the USA. An increasing body of research shows various health benefits associated with meditation and these findings have sparked interest in the field of medicine. The practice of meditation originated in the ancient Vedic times of India and is described in the ancient Vedic texts. Meditation is one of the modalities used in Ayurveda (Science of Life), the comprehensive, natural health care system that originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. The term “meditation” is now loosely used to refer to a large number of diverse techniques. According to Vedic science, the true purpose of meditation is to connect oneself to one's deep inner Self. Techniques that achieve that goal serve the true purpose of meditation. Neurological and physiological correlates of meditation have been investigated previously. This article describes the process of meditation at a more fundamental level and aims to shed light on the deeper underlying mechanism of the beneficial effects associated with meditation. Research on the effects of meditation is summarized.

Explore Mindfulness With Me

Workshops & Retreats

Meditation workshops are often classes or retreats that are designed to help you concentrate on your practice and teach you tools and techniques in a more controlled and guided environment than you usually practice in. Workshops are generally led by a company or group of masters and educators that bring together like-minded people from all around the world.


One of the greatest advantages of meditation workshops is to deepen your practice. You have the ability to learn new tools and methods of meditation practice in a new environment with mentors and guides at your fingertips. A new setting and environment can help you tap into undiscovered parts of your mind, body, and soul.

Every day you are faced with choices that could lead you either toward or away from your intentions. Through meditation, you may become more present and aware of these intentions. You can start to make more decisions that are aligned with your intentions that will benefit you in the short- and long-term.

Corporate Training

For those who are new to meditation, Alderson recommends starting with guided meditation, as there are many different types available only and through apps, making it easier to find one that works for you and your partner. “Guided meditations typically involve a voice leading you through the meditation and providing instructions,” she notes. “This can be helpful if you are new to meditation or if you want to focus on a specific area such as relaxation or stress relief.​



If you are not interested in guided meditations or have more experience with meditation, Alderson recommends meditating on a basic mantra. “A mantra is simply a word or phrase that you repeat to yourself during meditation,” she explains. You can come up with a mantra together or choose one that has a special meaning to you and your partner. “Mantras can be helpful for focusing the mind and maintaining concentration,” Alderson adds.

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